For now, here are a few of our most recent happenings...
- Kit and Elise fed a giraffe (see photo below) at the Boise Zoo while we were visiting his sister and her family. They both loved the experience, Elise so much so that she told me all about it again in detail at breakfast this morning even though I was there to witness the event and even though it happened three weeks ago.
- Evelyn is walking now. Not all the time, but she mostly tries to walk wherever she goes. If she's in a huge hurry, she gives up more quickly but otherwise she tries to walk rather than crawl. And she's talking more and more. Lately, her favorite thing to say is "all done." She says it both when she is all done and when she just wants to be impressive and say the words.
- I ran my first ever 5K last night!! I started Couch to 5K in February or March and then took a break because of a couple of trips (one to my parents' and one to Kit's sister's) and multiple illnesses (a cold, a horrible virus that had me in bed for a few days, lingering exhaustion from said virus and another cold). But I've started up again and ran an actual, full fledged 5K (a bit more even) last night. I was thinking of doing a race but decided to reward myself instead with a pair of running shorts since the price was about the same. Unfortunately, the shorts are sold out online so now I have to see about finding a store here that sells them.
And now for some photos...