Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Sleep

Here's a recap of our night courtesy of my Facebook status and comments this morning (since who really wants to think of a new way to word it all?)...

Emily's baby girl slept for SEVEN HOURS straight last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The best we've ever had is about 5.)

Yay! And how many hours did you get?

I thought it was quiet last night. :)

Oh, maybe 5 1/2 to 6?? I pumped after she fell asleep and then kept waking up thinking it was time to feed her. I should have gotten up to pump again but had left the pump in her room and wasn't about to go in and get it since I was enjoying her sleeping way too much!!

At one point I apparently thought she was in bed with us (despite the fact that she's never slept with us) and that I had put her down next to Kit. So I was reaching for her and thought Kit was sleeping with his head on her head so I pulled her in her SleepSack out from under his head.

Then I was panicked because I couldn't find her head and thought I had somehow pulled her out of her SleepSack (despite the fact that she was swaddled and the SleepSack has sleeves that hold her in) and that her wet diaper was still in the SleepSack.

So then I was feeling all over near Kit's head and couldn't find her and was feeling all over the SleepSack and couldn't find her. I thought at one point that I could feel her finger...

Emily I kept feeling around and finally realized that it was one of Kit's pillows (he uses two) and that she was still in her bed.

So I gave him back his pillow and went back to sleep myself.

YAY!!!!! That's fabulous:):)

That's great! I remember lots of paniced moments in the night when Joel didn't get up & I thought maybe he had.

I was wondering why you were trying to steal my pillow last night :)

I've done that too- thought Cadence was in bed with us when she really wasn't and panicked when I couldn't "find" her in bed with us. Hoping for more nights of great sleep for all!

Can I just say how much better I feel today (emotionally and physically)? It's amazing what a little extra sleep will do for you!!

Oh, and I even managed to be showered and ready for my day by about 9:15am! It's a miracle!

It makes a WORLD of difference. Only Moms can fully understand!


Also, today I took Elise on her first errand. We still aren't taking her out in public other than to doctor appointments and for walks; however, my mom ran into Fred Meyer to look at something and I needed to also drop of a prescription for Elise at a specialty pharmacy across the parking lot so Elise came in with me for the 30 second drop off. I took this photo of her on my phone after said errand. She clearly felt like running an errand lived up to her high expectations of joy and bliss.


Triple J's Girl said...

This cracked me up! Our baby will be 1 on Thursday, but there has been many nights I thought she was in bed with us or other strange things! It's crazy what your "asleep" mind lets you think! There was one night I love to tell people about when she was brand new. I was getting up with Marlie and my husband, who of course was sound asleep, starts slapping his chest yelling, "Babe where is he? Where is he babe?" I shook him and said, "greg SHE is right here with me!" LOL Hilarious! I'm so glad you got a good nights sleep even though Kit might not have, pillow stealer! By the way, I have been reading for awhile and not commented, but I love reading about little Elise and praying for her. Plus you crack me up girl!

Triple J's Girl said...

This cracked me up! Our baby will be 1 on Thursday, but there has been many nights I thought she was in bed with us or other strange things! It's crazy what your "asleep" mind lets you think! There was one night I love to tell people about when she was brand new. I was getting up with Marlie and my husband, who of course was sound asleep, starts slapping his chest yelling, "Babe where is he? Where is he babe?" I shook him and said, "greg SHE is right here with me!" LOL Hilarious! I'm so glad you got a good nights sleep even though Kit might not have, pillow stealer! By the way, I have been reading for awhile and not commented, but I love reading about little Elise and praying for her. Plus you crack me up girl!