Monday, November 24, 2008


So I somehow missed the part where the millions of women who have gone before me in pregnancy mentioned that it's not easy. Though I'm now nearly done with my nausea, I'm exhausted beyond any exhaustion I've ever felt (and should have gone to sleep at 8:00 but spend the last 50-ish minutes reading blogs instead). And now my stomach/abdominal/pelvic muscles are all doing their thing and causing this crazy straining feeling.

Did I mention that I'm tired? I'm headed to bed.


CMC said...

Haha, I feel your pain (literally) - I'm cursing whoever told me the 2nd trimester is the best, because its not any different than the 1st tri so far. I need more patience :)

Oh, and how did you get your countdown ticker at the top of your page? I've been trying to figure that out for weeks on mine! Let me know!

CMC said...

Ooh nevermind that last part, I figured it out :) I wonder why I could never get it to do that before!

Emily said...

So I think I'm about a week ahead of you and really started feeling better (though not all the way better) this past Sunday...maybe the same will happen for you.

Oh, and my brother who works in IT actually was the one who got the ticker to work. They have wierd coding on Blogger so it took a bit work.

CMC said...

Ooh I'm hoping so, but I'm trying to stop telling myself "oh you'll feel better at X week" because I keep letting myself down. So for now I'm just trying to take it easy and not worry about it, and know that my body is just doing all it can do to grow a healthy little one :)

Blogger does have some weird coding, I've been fiddling around with the HTML on our links page a bunch and the spacing in my posts always drives me insane. If I didn't have a basic knowledge of HTML I think I'd go insane!